Help us with a donation!
All you can is welcome. The easiest way to support us! You can quickly donate with Credit Cards, IBAN, PayPal, iDeal, ApplePay and GooglePay!
*You are donating to: STICHTING COLLECTIEF DENKEN - IBAN: BE90967934223332 - The Collective Thought Foundation is a legally recognised non-profit organization under Dutch Law (ANBI). All donation are tax deductible, according to the fiscal rules of your country.
Help us with an idea!
Make a suggestion for something new that we could do. Propose a theme for an Assembly, an idea for a new event or some inspiration for a conference. Every contribution is welcomed!
Share a critique for what you think is worth changing. Something that should be stopped or some other issues we might not be aware of, both internal and external the Foundation.
Give us a compliment! Tell us your experience with the Collective Thought and how it changed your perspective within your surrounding. Hearing personal experiences can give us valuable feedback
Get involved
Request an Assemby tailored for your organization’s needs
Propose a collaboration with another organization
Apply to become a Volunteer, Representative or Board Member
Ask availabilities for courses, internships and trainings
Start an autonomous local group inspired by the Collective Thought
Write an email to or contact us through the form on this website: