The Collective Thought Foundation is guided by a Board of Directors, which can consist of maximum five members. It guarantees the stability of the organisation and provides coordination and supervision across the different activities and the different locations. It approves the budget, the policy plan and the financial statements, it can appoint new directors, representatives and volunteers, it oversees activities and initiatives.

Collective Thought Governance

Board of Directors

  • Andrea Berti


  • Gwen Tjallinks


  • Johannes Roodbol


  • Natasha Hermann

    Coordinator of Internal Affairs

Our Representatives:

As not all can be done by a single Board, several tasks and competences are delegated to our Representatives. Representatives are experienced volunteers who oversee a certain activity or a certain project. Their autonomy and experience allows for a substantial decentralisation of the Foundation, so that different Collective Thought projects can start, travel and prosper in different locations and at different paces.

  • Marion Audebaud

  • Sem Valks