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Monthly Online Assembly

On the first Monday of March, our Montly Online Assembly will discuss the topic of ‘Family’. We will focus on the bond between children and their parents and we will see if we can shed some light on their co-dependencies.

Hopefully we see you there, on Monday the 3d of March at 17:30 CET, online. The link will be sent the day before the meeting on the email adress provided.

In order to register for the event, we ask participants to donate (min 2 euros) to support our activities. Remember to donate with the same email address you used to register (Donate here).

The Assembly is based on Collective Thought theory. If you want to know more about Assemblies, click here!

If you strive to be open-minded, if you think collective thinking is impossible, if you are curious to discover something new or if you already had thoughts about the necessity of collaborating with each other, we encourage you to join the discussion!

March 27

Workshop 1: Understanding the question and giving clear answers