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Monthly Meta-Assembly

Every first Tuesday of the month we meet together at 18:30 for an conversationa bout a chosen topic. The meetings are in principle desigend for the staff of the Collective Thought Foundation to discuss topics which go beyond the standard format of an assembly. For newcomers, the meeting is open to all people that have already participated in an assembly or that an interest in our cause or method.

Commonly, the topics are related to our values and offer useful insights on how to face our main problems and challenges. Each month is a new topic and examles from past topics are ‘how to moderate disagreement’, ‘what do we base our opinions on’, ‘what is a group identity and why it matters’. There are no prior rules or principles and every person is at the same time a participant and a moderator. Each participant can bring one external participant who has never participated.

If you are curious and you want to participate, you can join the Whatsapp community or send us an email through the website form and we will share you the videocall link.

The discussion will take the form of a Meta-Assembly, not bound by the collective framework but open to type of contribution and criticism. The Assembly is based on Collective Thought theory. If you want to know more about Assemblies, click here!

If you strive to be open-minded, if you think collective thinking is impossible, if you are curious to discover something new or if you already had thoughts about the necessity of collaborating with each other, we encourage you to join the discussion!

January 18

Assembly: “What does it mean to trust?”